I spent 2010-2013 working very hard building my business, and when summer was nearing its end, I felt in need of motorcycle trip…. But I hadn’t had a motorcycle for a couple years. I began doing some searching on kijiji for a motorcycle, and I found this old nighthawk, the price was right! It was cheap, I think like $600 dollars.
My Dad had finished a round a cancer treatments and I called him up and asked if he want to come look at a motorcycle with me. He jumped at the opportunity, (looking at motorcycles was always a time of great bonding! )
When we got there the old farmer took us into an old barn and showed us the motorcycle, It was very well kept as you can see below. With only 53000kms (what could go wrong).
The Motorycle Trip
After we got it home and we got it running, I began planning my trip. I decided to leave for the mountains the last week of August, I headed off to the interior (BC) to visit some friends whose couch I really liked.
I headed into the BC through highway 11 (David Thompson) to Lake Louise then to Hwy 93 and over to Radium and followed that to Creston. I ended up taking the long way up the windy road to the Balfour ferry and over to Castlegar B.C.
I stayed with my friends for a couple days and then headed into the United States for the day and found the most magical motorcycle road I’ve ever found It was a paved motorcycle road, that went over the mountain close to Yaak. Below is an image, one of these roads is it.. Good luck finding it :). I may go back one year and look for it.
Part of the fun of driving an old motorcycle in the middle of nowhere is hoping it doesn’t break down and leave you stranded or out of fuel, both were on my mind as I made my wave though this twisty Paradise. One of the streets I found there was literally named Night Hawk….
I made it home safe with some good stories to share, and the entire time that old 1983 Honda Night Hawk drove smooth. They are an amazing bike that offers a cool experience.
Motorcycle trips are something I probably never will get bored of.